Título da Obra
Legionella na visão de especialistas
Marcos d’Avila Bensoussan et al.
1ª edição, 2014
Editor Responsável: Marcos d’Avila Bensoussan
Coordenação Geral da 1ª Edição: Fernando Henrique Bensoussan Pinto da Fonseca
Capa: Fernando Henrique Bensoussan Pinto da Fonseca
NOTE: This book was initially concepted to be released and published for Portuguese readers (in special for Brazilian ones). It was created to
be a reference that could be digitally and freelly distributed. Attenting to requests from inumerous countries SETRI decided to translate and
publish an English edition of this eletronic book. The title “Legionella na visão de especialistas” could be translated to “Legionella in the view of
specialists”. As the focus was changed, the second chapter from Dario Simões Zamboni and Juliana Issa Hori was removed by authors’ request
as this article was intended to Brazilian readers. In the other hand, we received a new contribution from Roberto Stirbulov with the article
“Legionella Pneumonia”. All the other texts remains the same.
DISCLAIMER: This work is free and solely with digital distribution. The publisher, and all professionals involved with the elaboration, edition
and diagramming of the chapters of this work contributed to the formation of this project free of charge with the sole intent to disclose the
dangers and risks of Legionella. All authors are the only ones responsible for the content of their articles. This publisher and all authors who
contributed to this work are not responsible for any damage resulting from actions based on the information contained here.
Rua Barão do Triunfo, 520 cj 11 – Brooklin
São Paulo/SP – CEP 04602-002 – telefone (11) 5096 1580
Todos os direitos reservados. Proibida a reprodução total ou parcial, por qualquer meio ou processo, especialmente por processos gráficos,
microfílmicos, fotográficos, reprográficos, fonográficos e videográficos sem expressa autorização da editora.
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